
Cab Post #1

Just had a great cab and cabbie experience. I got in, told him where I was going, and we were on our way. Not too long after that, he asked me how I was doing. Asked me if I had a busy day tomorrow. Talked about how bad the traffic had been all night. Then we got on to tomorrow, where I mentioned it could rain, which would of course make driving conditions worse. He then turned on the news to hear a weather report, but instead, they were reporting on the state of the Terri Schiavo case (notice the lack of link: I'm tired of the story and the media).

I wasn't going to say anything about it. I'd just let it pass over, and we'd hear some weather. My parents are in town, and I'd like it to not rain for them.

But he started talking about it. I started talking back. By the time we were a few blocks away from my destination, we were in a full-fledged argument that turned into a Bush bash.
Interesting how two very opposite points of view on such a highly politicized Left v. Right battle can end up both hating on our current President. Just goes to show how he's completely abandoned any coherent policy and just seemingly operates on some sort of whim.

I handed my cabbie the fare, told him I hoped his day tomorrow would not be too busy, and we were on our separate ways. A great city interaction.


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