
Palm Trees? San Francisco?

Please take the palm trees out of San Francisco. It's just plain confusing, even misleading. I love the Embarcadero, but all those palm trees try to make it something it's not: a tropical, warm waterfront. No. This is San Francisco. It's an often windy, somewhat chilly waterfront. And I love it for that. Like a spring day in a snow-afflicted city, its still, warm days are that much more of a treat.

Right now I'm in Dolores Park, which is mostly grass with "normal" San Francisco trees (at this point it would be nice to quote some tree names from this awesome site, however, it's daunting and Greek names scare me). But, there are also a few palm tree patches. Where did these come from? Palm trees don't belong on hilly lawns. They are more suitable for white sand beaches.

Wait, now I see more palm trees. They were dotting the median of Dolores Street. Now that they're just about everywhere, I do see that they're quite attractive. Maybe not so realistic, but that California sun beating down on me is starting to change my mind...


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